
Cultural activities all year round
2015-11-30 12:12???Source: View

If you decide to spend your spring festival here in Chengdu, you would def initely be invited to visit the Grand Temple Fair and amazed by the wonderful atmosphere of such annual celebration. Or if you are interested in finding out what kind of cultural activities people in Chengdu are getting involved every day, you have to check out public squares in the city, where people enjoy themselves singing and dancing all the year around.

Jinsha Sun Festival

In a new age, public cultural activity is exemplifying its charm in people’s lives with new and vibrant connotation. Compared with public cultural act ivit ies in the past that were spontaneous and unorganized, Chengdu is seeing a variety of public cultural activities that are multi-themed, serial, and of higher taste.


Chengdu Culture,Radio and Tv,Press and Publication Bureau